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Jazzy Guacamole

Dive into this jazzy guacamole that's bursting with flavor and perfect for your next fiesta! With a zesty blend of avocados, jalapeños, and lime, this dip will have your taste buds dancing in no time.

Community Member

10 minutes

This recipe was submitted by a Tasty Community Member, and hasn’t been tested by the Tasty recipe team.Submit your own recipe here!
Jazzy Guacamole

10 minutes

This recipe was submitted by a Tasty Community Member, and hasn’t been tested by the Tasty recipe team.Submit your own recipe here!
Jazzy Guacamole


for 2 servings

  • 1 avocado, ripe
  • 1 tablespoon sour cream
  • garlic, to taste, minced
  • lemon juice, to taste
  • lime juice, to taste
  • 1 pinch fresh basil, chopped

Nutrition Info

  • Calories 137
  • Fat 12g
  • Carbs 6g
  • Fiber 5g
  • Sugar 0g
  • Protein 1g

Estimated values based on one serving size.


  1. In a small bowl, smash your avocado. In a separate bowl, combine the garlic, lemon juice, lime juice, sour cream, and basil. Once combined, add avocado and mix well.
  2. Serve with tortilla chips.
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